@echo off :::: This is mpicc.bat sample for WMPI, not tested!!! :::: :::: Written at Jun 1999, Ilya Evseev (evseev@csa.ru) :::: :: Check self restarting with bigger environment space if not "%1"=="-" goto CheckEnv :: If i'm restarted, restore command line ( remove "-" ) shift :: ...and go to setup Visual C++ environment variables goto LoadEnv :CheckEnv :: Check Visual C++ environment variables already loaded if not "%MSVCDir"=="" goto EnvOk :: Under WinNT - load Visual C++ environment immediately if not "%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%"=="" goto LoadEnv :: Under Win95 - restart COMMAND.COM for growing environment space %COMSPEC% /e:4096 /c %0 - %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto Done :LoadEnv :: CAUTION: Change path of Visual C++ to proper value call "C:\Program files\DevStudio\VC\bin\vcvars32" x86 :EnvOk :: Add WMPI settings to environment variables used by compiler :: CAUTION: Change path of WMPI to proper value set WMPI=C:\Program files\WMPI_1.2 set INCLUDE=%WMPI%\Include;%INCLUDE% set LIB=%WMPI%\Lib\Console;%LIB% :: Run C++ compiler cl %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 cvwmpi.lib vwmpi.res :: Play sound if error if errorlevel 1 start /min sndrec32 /play /close %windir%\media\ding.wav